evercrypt-sys 0.0.3

FFI binding to HACL/Evercrypt
docs.rs failed to build evercrypt-sys-0.0.3
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure docs.rs builds.
If you believe this is docs.rs' fault, open an issue.


Build & Test Maturity Level

Rust wrapper for hacl-star and evercrypt.


When building this *-sys crate make sure to get the hacl-star git submodule (git submodule update --init --recursive). The hacl/evercrypt build is currently not part of the cargo build. Run build-evercrypt.sh in order to build the gcc-compatible dist (this requires OCAML to be set up.).


Windows support is on the To Do list.

Platform Supported
Windows #3
Arm64 Linux
Arm32 Linux